Most of you have never heard of a Sankalpa, I didn’t either until one time I was taking a Yoga Nidra class and the teacher mentioned this. I didn’t even know what she said so I started googling something that sounded like it and came across this article that explains it all.
Now I’ve mentioned before that I’ve been on a journey of self discovery ever since I moved to Idyllwild, CA and started a whole new life. Well I’ve become very familiar with this term now and I think it’s so important in the yoga community I’m surprised it wasn’t mentioned in any of my trainings. It is a powerful tool and now it pretty much has become something I based my teachings on.
I talk about the true self often- the best version of your self-or your true potential. This is to me the ultimate goal of yoga-and humanity. To become the best versions of ourselves and be so content and satisfied with our journey that we have absolutely no regrets when the time comes to leave the earth.
The concept of the true self (Atman) and the practice of sankalpa are deeply connected, as both are rooted in the journey of aligning with our highest potential and purpose.
The True-Self and Sankalpa: A Deeper Connection
In yoga, the true self, or Atman, is the part of us that is eternal, limitless, and unchanging. It is the enlightened essence that resides within each of us, waiting to be remembered and awakened. When we live in alignment with this true self, we naturally move toward a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment.
The practice of sankalpa helps us access this connection. A sankalpa is more than a resolution or a goal—it is a heartfelt intention that arises from the deep knowing of who we truly are. It’s not about fixing ourselves or striving for something external; rather, it is about recognizing the wholeness and wisdom that already exist within us and aligning our actions with that truth.
Sankalpa bridges the gap between where we are and the true self we seek to embody.
How They Intertwine
1. True-Self as the Source of Sankalpa:
• A genuine sankalpa comes from listening to the quiet voice of your true self, rather than the noise of the ego or societal expectations.
• It reflects the qualities of your Atman—such as peace, love, strength, or abundance—and becomes a guide to manifesting these qualities in your life.
2. Sankalpa Awakens the True-Self:
• When you align your daily actions and thoughts with your sankalpa, you’re aligning with your true self’s higher purpose.
• This alignment brings clarity and a sense of empowerment, as it helps dissolve the layers of doubt and conditioning that obscure the Atman.
3. Whole-Self Transformation:
• Both sankalpa and the journey to the true self require a whole-self commitment. By cultivating a sankalpa, you’re upgrading your routines, thought patterns, and behaviors to reflect the enlightened version of you.
• Over time, this creates a harmony between your inner truth and outer reality, making your life an expression of your true self.
Imagine your sankalpa is “I am whole, peaceful, and grounded.”
• This sankalpa doesn’t just guide you to moments of calm; it reminds you that peace is already within you because it is part of your true self.
• As you live in alignment with this intention, you awaken more deeply to the Atman, experiencing life from a place of wholeness and clarity.
This is a concept that might take you a few times to grasp but as soon as you do, your life will change 😉
Live with intention
OM Shanti,